• What is it?

A way for a couple of friends to build intangible, but valuable, skills/mindsets. The short term aim is to help us get better at exercising our values: ‘want to do’ instead of ‘should do’. The long term aim is to move us towards our similar goal of financial independence / enjoyable life’s-work.

We’re expected to work together to pick books that are likely to move us in that direction.

  • How will it work?

We will read each book and discuss how we could each concretely implement stuff from each book in our lives. Ideally, we’ll both be able to implement stuff from the books. If one person is and the other isn’t, we should both support the one person in implementing.

  • Are we responsible for any output?

After reading the book and making an effort to implement its principles in our lives, I would expect us each to write a short non-EoL reflection (500 words max) about what we learned and how we applied it to our lives. If we did not find it relevant / couldn’t implement it, we should explain why.

  • How frequently will we meet?

We’d discuss a book each month separate from the Exchange of Letters (maybe after an EoL on the same day).